The Prudent Wife

Explore The Wife In You

Embracing the role of a wife in a relationship involves nurturing, supporting, and being a loving partner. The Bible tells us that a prudent wife is from the LORD, so what does ‘prudence’ mean? (wisdom, cautiousness, foresight, discretion, good management) to mention a few.  According to Wikipedia, Prudence is the ability to govern and discipline oneself using reason. 

Houses and wealth are inherited from parents, but a prudent wife is from the LORD.

— Proverbs 19:14

Prudent Wife

Becoming A Prudent Wife Program

Based on Proverbs 19:14, ‘Becoming a Prudent Wife‘ is a 12-week program that guides, provides tools, and offers support to develop necessary skills for navigating through the four stages, seasons, and phases of marriage with wisdom.

What You Will Get:

The program explores practical, spiritual and relational disciplines. Join us and enjoy the journey of nurturing the wife in you  just as God intended it to be. Contact us for sign-up details.


Discover Yourself

Call us to schedule for a complimentary clarity call. +254 721 579534/ 734 039434